Friday, May 20, 2011

Lincoln City - Raymond

When crossing over to Washington State on Wednesday in Astoria I had to cross the bridge over the Columbia river, that was one of the worst cyclebridges I had and surely deserves a place in my personal top 20. I saw Mount St. Helens in the east some 150 miles away from me ! I met NA7Q on the bridge in Astoria, Mike, very nice young ham.

Here I saw the first real big containervessels since San Francisco.
Today I topped the 1000-milemarker, that some 1600 kilometers .. everything a ok !

I met a real Alaskan guy on a bicycle onroute who was wearing a helmet with a HD-camera on. He explained that it was easier to make photos as he was driving..
I also met Ben from Winnipeg along with another three friends of him, he invited me over to come at his place when I`ll cycle up to Winnipeg, very nice from him.
Monday I passed trough the nice city of Pacific City. A little bit like Knokke but smaller. Canon Beach was more like Knokke.
In Canon Beach I saw the antenna of Doug N7HH and he invited me to see his radioroom. He`s a very bussy man as he runs a hotel/motel and is active in some groups as there is the local emergency hamradio group.
The next day there was an exercise for a Tsunami alert as placed on billboards along the road. In the morning there was a small Cesna plane that flew over announcing that it was also stating that it was a Tsunami test. I stayed in the local Cape Lookout State Park, one of the nicer parks but sparsely populated at this time of year.

I stayed also south of Canon Beach, there was a state park but they closed the camping area because the trees were falling on the RV`s so ... I asked a man if he knew a good place to stay for the night and he showed me the garden of a nextdoor house that he kept an eye on while they went away, it was a beautiful evening and great beaches and photo`s.

A girl in a coffeshop in Tillamook thought the capital of Belgium was Brugge, explained her that it was definitively something else ;-]
In Raymond I asked on the local repeatersystem for a good place to set up the tent since there were no good places around like a state park and Thatcher KE7JMC invited me to set up my tent in his garden for the night, perfect !
On the HF it wasn`t much of a nice period lately.. flux went down to 80 from 110 ..
On the radio I kept contact on the local net on 7177 in the evening qround 21-22 local  and 7145 around 0800 local in the morning.
Hopefully I get into Vancouver by next weekend !

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